The world-renowned Sundance Film Festival is considering a move to our beloved city. We want to hear from you, the community that makes our city shine. Please fill out the form below and show your support for this momentous opportunity.

The Sundance Film Festival, the largest artist program of the nonprofit Sundance Institute, is the pre-eminent gathering of original storytellers and audiences seeking new voices and fresh perspectives and supporting independent film. Sundance Institute was founded by Robert Redford in 1981 to support, sustain, and discover independent filmmakers and storytellers. The Sundance Film Festival, which celebrated its 40th edition last year, serves as an essential space to introduce unique voices and transform careers. Each January, audiences at the Festival are the first to discover and celebrate bold, creative visions and exciting emerging independent talent.

Watch Cincinnati’s introductory video to the Sundance Film Festival selection committee.

Thank you to Laurent Che, Lightborne and Memorial Hall for their contributions in producing the video.

Please take a few minutes to answer these questions and show your support to bring Sundance to Cincinnati.